Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Busy day

We are getting ready to travel to Walnut Ridge tomorrow. Janet and Jory are getting married on Saturday, and the rehearsal dinner is on Thursday so we are going a day early. I am glad that we get to spend the extra time in town, but it is so much harder to pack for that extra day. I always feel like I am forgetting something for Nathaniel. I really shouldn't worry about it because I can always pick up anything he needs. Nathaniel and I will be staying with Rob and Stacy, and Stefan is going to stay with Jory both nights. I am really looking forward to a few days away from M-town, but I always get stressed out when we take Nathaniel anywhere. It is really irrational because Nathaniel has always been a great traveler. I am just an uptight first mom that is afraid to get away from our daily schedule. I keep telling myself that I am not going to be the same way with my second child.

In other news we are trying to find a good online program so I can finish my degree. We found this great school in Nebraska and I sent all my stuff in to finish a liberal arts degree. We just figured it would be a degree, and if they transferred all my hours, then I could finish in a year. It turns out that they penalized me for having the associates degree, and only transferred 66 hours. We don't know why, but I am not going to spend another 2 years finishing a liberal arts degree. We are now in the process of changing the major to accounting. I guess I am really excited about taking a few classes again.

Stefan and I had a long discussion about how I am not motivated to finish any degree. It's true that having a degree is not my first priority, but he wants me to have something in case anything ever happens to him. I don't mind taking the classes since I am not working right now. I should have the time. The lack of motivation comment did bother me a little bit. I just didn't want to sink money into a degree that I may never use. I hope this accounting degree will work out so we can both be happy.

This post is random. I am still really new at putting my thoughts out in public. Please Pray for us as we are traveling.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New at this

I have been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now. I think this will be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out into the open, and possibly make some new friends in the process. I don't know if many people will read this, but that is fine with me. My life is not that interesting, and I will probably talk mostly about Nathaniel. Some major things are fixing to happen in my family's life. I can't really say much about that until Friday. Hopefully it will be good news, and I will fill everyone in on what has been going on.

Today has been very exciting so far. I have met a new friend, and she called me again today to invite me to a woman's conference. I do not know if I will be able to go yet, but it was still nice of her to think of me. We talked for awhile. I enjoy that so much because my social life has definitely been lacking since we moved to Memphis. Stefan has to attend a sunday school training workshop with the church tonight, so Nathaniel and I will be alone. I think we are going to be lazy and pick up some fast food. I will hopefully have something more interesting to talk about after Friday.