Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First day of summer break in pictures!

We had an eventful, but good first day of summer break. I have hope that we can make it if we just take it one day at a time. :)

So this is what happened to Poor Nathaniel around 9 in the morning. I really don't know what happened to start this, but Ethan definitely bit him. Biting will not be tolerated, and I am not labeling him a biter yet. He sure did a number on big brother though.

Nathaniel and I did some school review. He is so amazing. He has started verbally spelling several words now, and these are the few that he can write. He was getting sloppy at the end...that word in orange is train. He loves to just go around asking us how to spell things. I love it too!

They were so sweet and had a little iPad time while I fixed dinner. I love these little moments.

Ethan with bubbles.

Ethan making his favorite dog Ben play bubbles. Ben is our neighbor's dog, and he is the most gentle dog I have ever know. Ethan just loves him!

Our neighbor blowing bubbles for the boys. They are spoiled!

The bite mark I found on Ethan yesterday evening. Not sure who started with the biting now...this looks a day old to me. For those of you wondering, yes I do watch them during the day. :)

Finally a little time with daddy before bed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

ainmemphis said...

Nathaniel is doing such a great job with his writing/spelling!!