Monday, April 19, 2010

Great Monday!

I really think this has been the greatest day I have had in forever. It will probably sound pretty boring most people, but I don't get out much. I'm some of the day's greatness has to do with the fact that I actually got to have a nice quiet time this morning. I usually fail to get up early enough, or the boys wake up early. There is always something to distract me, but not this morning. Stefan headed off to work on time, and Nathaniel woke up and went straight to the potty. He didn't do anything, but at least it was on his mind. I had some nice mommy time with just Nathaniel while Ethan slept in. 

We have been out of groceries for a few days now, and I just had to get to the store. This is usually a huge chore because I have to wait until Stefan is home to either watch the boys, or all of us go out together. It is not ever fun to grocery shop with a 2 year old, but I really didn't have a choice. I decided to get brave and venture out by myself with them. I prayed several times that God would help Nathaniel to act well, and God definitely answered my prayers. We went straight in with out list, got our stuff, and got out without any problems. It always helps to go in the morning when there are fewer people. I always put Ethan in the mei tai when we shop, and he is never a problem so far. He just looks around at everyone, and even goes to sleep sometimes.

 This is from the zoo, but here is how we look in the mei tai. I know people wonder what I am wearing in Walmart, but wearing Ethan makes everything so much easier.

This afternoon was even better because Jennifer came to visit us. I love when she visits, and I actually get to talk to another adult. She watched Nathaniel for me the whole time I was pregnant, so we have gotten to know each other really well. I am so glad to have such a great friend. Nathaniel was so sweet with her today. He just sat on her lap and cuddled for the longest time. He also managed to use the potty twice with no accidents. It made me so happy and proud of him.

Tonight, I had my small group women's study. We are going through the book Becoming God's True Women. I was really blessed, and felt really comfortable even though I don't really know any of the other ladies in the group. I always get nervous meeting new people, but I was able to put that behind me tonight.

Now, I am home and both the boys are asleep.  Hopefully they will stay that way all night.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I always enjoy visiting with you, friend. It was neat to see Nathaniel use the potty so much. He's doing so good with potty training!